chota bheem cartoons in urdu latest episode 16th January 2015

chota bheem cartoons in urdu latest episode 16th January This episode the chhota bheem and his friends are enjoying their company,bheem was sleeping in his home and his Little friends came there and they went for a competition with a fat man,beem easily defeat the fat man and the fat man went to his master for asking some tricks to defeat chota bheem.the master tell him a trick to apply against chota bheem.ugly fat man was very happy and he was looking for bheem in the jungle and he missed his trick unluckily .he went to master again and asked for any new trick again master tell him to dig a big whole on the way of bheem and fat man challange chot bheem for a race and bheem friends monkey informed bheem for their planing and bheem jumped over the dig and he fall badely in thet whole and bheem wins the latest chota bheem cartoons in Urdu and Hindi on daily motion 16th January 2015.

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